Giant Giant River Prawn Curry with Chelate leg I গলদা চিংড়ির ভুনা



Giant River Prawn 


Chelate Leg


1. Giant River Prawn (GRP) amount 4 (1/2 lb)
2. Olive oil 1 and 1/2 tbs
3. Salt to taste (less 1 tsp)
4. Turmeric powder 1 tsp + 1/2 tbs
5. Red Chili powder / Paprika 1/2 tbs
6. Garlic paste 1 tbs
7. Water 1/2 cup + 1 cup 
8. Mint 
9. Green Chilis
10. Cherry tomatoes 1/2 cup
11. Tomato ketchup 1 tsp
12. One onion (large) 


1. See the video for cut and clean this GRP. 
Try to cut all the legs and throw away but only keep the chelate legs. Also throw away the claws at the front of legs.

2. Keep the shell on, so prawn will not shrink so much. Wash with warm water . 

3. First marinate with turmeric powder and salt and no need to wait, fry immediately using olive oil. Add one large onion slice. Fry them together 2/3 min.

4. Prepare gravy : turmeric powder , red paprika powder, garlic paste and 1/2 cup water. Mix and add to the fried shrimp, cook 5 min until boiling. 

5. Add 1 cup water and cover with lid for 10 minutes. 

6. After 10 minutes its done but add cherry tomatoes and cook 2/3 minutes.

7. Finally mint and green chilies for more flavor. and switch off the stove. 

8. Enjoy juicy yummy delicious Giant River Prawn Curry with Rice 

9. Total cooking time 15 to 20 min.
