Mushroom Gravy - How to cook Mushroom gravy

Mushroom Gravy


  1. 1lb sliced mushroom

  2. Butter 1 tbsp

  3. 1/3 rd cup garlic/onion slice

  4. 1/2 tbsp Minced garlic

  5. Dried parsley 1 tsp

  6. Chili Powder 1/2 tsp

  7. All Purpose Flour 1 tbsp

  8. Lemon juice 1 tbsp

  9. Vegetable broth 1 cup

 10. Thai grass 

 11. Almond milk 1/2 cup

 12. 1/4 tsp black pepper

 13.1 tsp Sweet & Sour sauce

 14. 1/3 Lemon Zest

 15. Fresh Parsley 1/4th cup

 16. Sour cream 1 tbsp

 17. Salt to taste


1.  In a pan maintain medium heat - add 1 tbs butter followed by 1/3 rd cup onion/garlic slice. I don't want to make it brown just soften it. After couple of minutes add mushroom slice with chili powder and dried parsley. Cover with lid. Wait 15 minutes.

2. In the meantime with a peeler, collect lemon zest from a 1/3 rd yellow lemon and chop it with fresh parsley. 

3. After 15 minutes check the slice of mushrooms are soften or not. After at least 80% softening happens, add  lemon juice & all purpose flour and immediately stir it . Don't let it to form any lumps.

4. Now add vegetables broth 1 cups but little by little and lemon grass. Wait 5 min until boiling.

5. After boiling occurs, now add 1/2 cup almond milk and 1 tsp sweet & sour sauce. 

6. Switch off the stove. 

7. After couple of minutes when it is still warm just add the final ingredients 1 tbsp sour cream. Mix thoroughly.

8. Now its done. Enjoy with rice. 

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Thai Lemon Grass plant seed:
